Thursday, 5 January 2012

Completely having kittens.. ..with a lady and two gents

Today this post features the always popular Siamese cats, an apparently red cat and hopefully much to the delight of Michelle (and Alice) several black cats..

This is part of a meme hosted by Michelle @ THE TRUE BOOK ADDICT.

When it comes to male actors there are two who are my number one 
- I know, I know.. I really can't decide who I like more - I just love them both! 

These two gentlemen are 

Peter Lorre and Vincent Price.

Both men had their appearence in this series before - but nevertheless: here they are again - and they brought the wonderful Joyce Jameson with them! I also like her very, very much - a very funny (and quite gorgeous) actress she was.

They appeared in TALES OF TERROR (1962) (based on Edgar Allan Poe's stories) together in the segment THE BLACK CAT..

From the film:

and here they are together: 

Joyce and the boys:

Just Joyce:

Just "the boys":

You can tell me what you want:
 I think black cats seem to have the most impressive eyes! 
Just look at those little fellas! 

Those of you who visit via THE TRUE BOOK ADDICT might not know that this month my blog has a special theme - it's called On the Run : Runaways & Refugees - Escapees & Escapists

So how does this post fit into the theme?

It fits because of Peter Lorre - born as László Löwenstein on June 26, 1904 in Rószahegy (Austria-Ungary - now: Ruzomberok, Slovak Republic) - ran away from home when he was a teenager. In Vienna (Austria) he first worked as a bank clerk before he became an actor (a really great actor if I might add this..). He appeared on several stages and in some German films before he had to leave Germany to rescue his life. Being jewish he wasn't safe in now 3rd Reich..

And in a very sad way also Joyce Jameson  fits into the series: she decided to choose the ultimate way to run away: On January 16, 1987 she commited suicide


Without the approach to belittle Joyce Jameson's fate - but to make this post end with some brighter thoughts:

- here are my favourite cat pictures of Peter Lorre:

The first one I posted now three times:

But this one is (as I hope) new to you:

Thank you all for visiting and listening!
Have a wonderful day!




  1. Why did she do that? I really like the Siamese cat pictures, Simon is a Siamese. : )

  2. Okay, this will be my typical long comment.

    First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you have 2 #1 guys...because I do too. (And I'm close to having 3, because Gary Cooper is only a TINY smidge behind William Holden and Robert Ryan.) My kids always tell me I can't have 2 #1's, that there HAS to be a true winner, but I definitely don't see it that way. I adore them both and I cannot choose between them. So, I'm excited to know that you, too, are among the 2 #1 guys camp!! Thank you for joining me!!

    I get a huge kick out of Peter Lorre in so many movies. Those eyes were SO expressive!! I think I love him best in "Arsenic and Old Lace."

    Did I ever tell you that for many years I was an exremely fearful person. Even now, I cannot do horror movies, but for YEARS (about 25 of them!!), I was terrified to be alone at night. Part of the fear started because my parents took us (brother and me) to the drive-in when we were little. I was about 6 or 7. They went to see some Vincent Price flick, "The Fall of the House of Usher", I think. Anyhow, my brother and I were supposed to sleep in the car, but I was so distracted that I couldn't sleep. I kept looking at the movie, and I was totally terrified of Vincent Price after that!!!

    Well, I've rambled long enough. Have a great evening.

  3. Joseph: Thank you for leaving a comment! All the best to Simon! As far as I know Joyce Jameson suffered from depression.

    Patti: You know I like your "typical long comments" very, very much.. Thank you for leaving one again! He he.. that's great about you having two #1 guys, too! And you know what: I think everyone should have as many #1 actors/actresses as he/she wants and is able to live with (well.. not REALLY live with.. you know what I mean..)

    I agree: Peter Lorre's eyes were very, very impressive. ARSENIC AND OLD LACE is also one of my favourites. It's a great film..

    I certainly hope that by know you can watch Vincent Price films without getting nervous - sometime we manifest our fears on special things/voices/persons/etc. .. I really hope that Vincent Price isn't "finished" for you..

    Thanks again for leaving comments! A lovely evening to you, too!!

  4. Awesome post Irene and some great photos you chose. A very nice read and very interesting.

  5. These are wonderful! I love all these pictures!

  6. well, I will NOT watch any of his horror films. "Laura" and "Leave Her to Heaven" are fine. His voice doesn't remind me of those terror-filled films. But I know myself well enough to know that horror movies will never be for me. (Growing-up, the closet in my bedroom had the door which led to the attic...that just added to my irrational fears!!)

  7. Look, Irene, I'm not (too) late this week. ;O)

    Thanks for posting this. You know how much I love Vincent Price. And I have a special place in my heart for Peter Lorre. In high school, I was in drama and one year we did the play Arsenic and Old Lace. Well, we didn't have enough boys to play the male parts (who could act) so they changed the part of Dr. Einstein (the role Lorre originated in the film) to a female role and guess who played the illustrious doctor? That's! I had to have a German accent and everything. It was such fun and a challenge at the same time. I never knew his history though. Thank you for sharing that about him.

    Of course, love all the cats in this post. And poor Joyce Jameson...I never knew that about her. =O(

  8. Gorgeous pictures. I like Vincent Price - I have watched a lot of his horror movies which I like much more than the modern slasher films.

  9. Monty: Thank you so very much! Glad you like it - and even a bit proud that you found it interesting and a nice read!! Thank you soo much!

    Yvonne: Glad that you like them!

    Patti: I see. - I am really happy for you that by now you're doing so much better! And I can understand that you decide for yourself not to watch horror movies. Maybe I should always post a little "Patti-treat" in case I review one horror flick.. ;")

    Michelle: Wow! Yes, I am quite impressed!! Yes, I am very glad to have a friend who also loves Vincent Price. Glad that you like Peter Lorre, too.

    Kate: I like Vincent Price's horror flicks also way more than those slashers of today..


I really appreciate your comments - I'll read them all and if I can think of an answer I'll post it. :")